Focus On The Good Stuff

Today I’d like to share a resource that I think is one of the most useful I’ve come across in the last few years. It’s become a valuable tool for people like me that are always on the run and never seem to be able to focus on any one thing for a long period of time.

If you like to read good books that are positive, informative and inspiring then you should take a look at this website and see what I mean. The site is called Brevity Brief and every week or so they take a popular book and preform a review. Each Brevity Brief includes a video, audio, PDF, and a web version. The content consists of Key Insights, Recommended Action Items, the Wisdom Summary and a discussion area.

Below is a small example excerpt from the latest brief, number 64 in the series called, “Focus on the Good Stuff “, by Mike Robbins. The target is to review 104 books in the current series, but that could go on to be more in the future. There is a nominal subscription fee of $97, but it well worth the investment for all the great content. Here is a link to check it out. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Key Insights:
Recognize and Own Your Negativity
Expect What You Want to Happen
Fill Other People’s Buckets
Acknowledge Good Stuff and Potential
Tame Your Inner Gremlin

One doesn’t have to search far for negative commentary and criticism in our world. It’s pervasive, and it’s detrimental. The constant negative chatter around us tends to suck us in and feeds our inner critic. The result is that we end up doubting our abilities and creating more stress in our lives. In short, we become all too good at seeing what is wrong, instead of seeing what is right or possible.

In Focus on the Good Stuff, author Mike Robbins offers a plan for removing the cloud of negativity that surrounds us. He suggests that the art of appreciation—of yourself, of others, and of the situations you face—is the key. Appreciation allows you to improve relationships and to create greater success and fulfillment. It can also bring you a deep sense of gratitude for yourself, others, and for life itself.

Mike Robbins is a former pitcher with the Kansas City Royals organization. He is a sought after keynote speaker, consultant and coach with a client list that includes AT&T, Chevron, the U.S. Department of Labor, Kaiser Permanente, New York Life Insurance, and Stanford University.

Focus on the Good Stuff is one of those books that every entrepreneur and small business owner can learn from. Much of the success of any business initiative lies in the ability of the people involved to manage their mindset, and the advice Robbins provides is intended for just that purpose. It is practical, useful, and directed right at one of the underlying, though often ignored, causes of failure in business.


A word is the smallest free-form item that may be uttered in isolation in language. Words can be combined to create other units such as phrases clauses and sentences. Word may refer to spoken word or written word or sometimes the abstract concept behind either. And that abstract meaning is the power of the spoken language.

I was recently introduced to very inspiring book by a mentor of mine, Todd Falcone that was written by Kevin Hall entitled, “Aspire” -Discovering Your Purpose Through The Power Of Words. In the book, Kevin Hall discovers the deeper power inherited in words after a fateful encounter with a wise shopkeeper in Vienna. That led to an introduction to an esteemed etymologist named Arthur, residing in the senior home, Hall embarked on a project that changed his life, and has sense change the lives of thousands of readers.

Through this journey Mr. Hall has discourses with Arthur on words such as humility, inspire, empathy, integrity and namaste. The book was fascinating and hard to put down. Stephen Covey, the best-selling author of, “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” wrote about the book, “just as I broke new ground in human development over 20 years ago by uncovering the habits that make for a meaningful and effective life, Kevin is breaking new ground by uncovering and revealing the true intent and meaning of the words that make up those habits.”


One word in particular that drew my attention in this book was the word, Namaste, (pronounced nah-mah-STAY). When spoken, the palms of the hands are pressed together, the head is bowed, and the hands touch the heart.

Albert Einstein learned of the word and its meeting after watching Mahatma Gandhi in a newsreel greeting people in the streets of India by bowing with his hands pressed together. Albert Einstein wrote Gandhi and ask what he was saying. Gandhi replied: “Namaste. It means I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of light, love, truth, peace, and wisdom.”

The symbolism anonymously carries a message of peace and harmony and salutes the connectivity and divinity of all beings. Namaste is so much more than simple piece. It recognizes that no one, not one soul, in the human family is exempt from receiving gifts that are uniquely his or her own. No matter how alike we may appear, not one of us is the same. Every individual is authentic. Every person is an unrepeatable miracle.

How often do we fail to recognize how unique we truly are? And how often do we squelch our natural gifts and growth in the process -when these are the very things that would make our contribution to life more valuable. How often to we fail to recognize the uniqueness of others, thus deprive ourselves from experiencing the natural gifts and contribution that can enrich our understanding and meaning of our own existence.

In the book, Arthur observed during their discussion, “the word namaste sounds like it comes from the same origin as the English word enthusiasm. Originating with the Greeks, ‘enthusiasm’ means God within or God’s gifts within.” Enthusiasm, he went on to explain is the fuel of happiness and bliss. It refers to the divine light that shines within each of us.

We are each authentic and namaste salutes authenticity. The natural “genius,” that comes from the Roman “genuinus”, which means, what you are naturally born with. Genius is nothing more, or less, then being “genuine”. And People who follow their nature developed their genius, taking it further and further with each new challenge, never being satisfied with today’s comfort zone.

But one of the most important things we must understand about the word Namaste, is the very elemental essence of the meaning, as so eloquently stated by the famous movie critic, Gene Siske, “Before we can salute the greatness within others, we need to salute to greatness within ourselves.”

I’d like to encourage you to meditate on the meaning of namaste, in you and in those around you. By doing so your life and the lives of others on our space ship earth will begin to change. If we are to continue to survive, we need to use the gifts and talents we are blessed with to evolve and fulfill a greater purpose than we can imagine . We all live on this little tiny spec of dirt in the cosmos, this small blue dot, together and if we can’t live and grow united in a common purpose for each other, we are doomed as an experiment failed only to be replaced by one that succeeds.

It’s by small incremental changes, that happen continuously and regularly, that real change actually comes about. It’s been said that, in order to eat an elephant you need to do it one bite at a time.

I’ve also included a link to a video that I find inspirational and inspiring. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

If you want to feel real meaning in your life, if you want to soar higher than you ever thought humanly possible, then feel free to be yourself. Feel free to follow your nature, acknowledge your uniqueness. Feel free to greet each other with Namasta. Life can be so much more joyous.

What Did I Accomplish Today?

In order to gain momentum in your life’s goals you need to ask yourself, “What did I accomplish Today?” In order to answer that question, you need to ask yourself better questions like…

1. What specifically do you want?   -Be specific and state it in the positive. The subconscious will attract both positive and negative desires.  In order to achieve anything you need to have a burning desire. You need to be crystal clear in your mind.

“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”  -Napoleon Hill.

2. Where are you now? -Become clearly associated with where you are at the present moment.

3. What will you see, feel and hear when you have what you want? -Get the senses involved. Image yourself in possession of your goal.

4. How will you know when you have it? -The evidence will show up when the time is right.  Have an open mind and be willing to receive.

5. What will the outcome get you or allow you to do? -Write it down.

6. Who is the outcome for? -Be sure it’s for you and not initiated by someone else. It must be self initiated.

7. Where, when, how and with whom do you want it? -See the big picture.

8. What do you have now and what do you need to get the outcome that you want? -Have you done this before? If not, seek out someone that has. Act as if you have it, but don’t fake it.

Study success where ever you find it. Seek it out in others that have traveled that path before you. Be a sponge and learn from others that are successful. In order to learn new things you need to have an open mind.  The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open.

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